Other's Thoughts, I Will Not Touch: Koroush Kamali Sarvestani.......................... 3 Not to Behold a Beautiful Face Is a Great Mistake: Dr. Asghar Dadbeh.............. 3 Sadi & Hafiz; Face to Face: Ahmad Samiee Gilani................................................... 3 Golestan & the Contemporary, Modern, Short Story: Mostafa Mastour............ 4 Sadi's Picturesque Look at Allusion: Mansour Paymard......................................... 4 Sadi & Cervantes: The Two Literary Masters: Dr. Zia Movahed......................... 4 Multiple Meanings in Sadi's Sonnets: Dr. Nasrin Faghih Malek Marzban............ 5 Sadi's Different Kind of Guidance: Dr. Seyed Javad Tabatabaei.......................... 5 Completion of Another Picture: Dr. Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani.............. 5 The Reality of Incidents & Travels of Sheik of Shiraz: Jouya Jahanbakhsh..... 6 Sadi: The Social Era of Literary Scholars: Dr. Darioush Shaygan....................... 6 The Influence of Anoshirvan & Bozorgmehr Guidance on Golestan: Dr. Vahid Sabziyanpour....................................................................................................................... 6 SADI & The Art of Writing Ballade: Abd al-Ali Adib Broumand.......................... 7
The Reality of Incidents & Travels of Sheik of Shiraz Jouya Jahanbakhsh Most of what our ancestors relayed about Sadi was a repetition of the tales of Boostan and Golestan. In most of these tales Sadi was eitther the hero, or present all the same. These facts were taken out and relayed as a summarized autobiography; this was the incident of Sadi's life, incidents of many shades and colors. However, some critics from different eras looked critically at these stories and decided that some of them did not match the historical events of his time. The writer intends to explain and prove the reality of Saddi's travels. Key Words: Sadi, Travel, Writing Stories. Sadi: The Social Era of Literary Scholars Dr. Darioush Shaygan Sadi's works have two different aspects: the lyrical aspect which, at its apex, is quite splendour and unparalleled; and the moral aspect which contains advices and wisdoms which in its turn is also unparalleled. He is the master of both poetry and prose. He writes beautifully and his moral wisdom has become a model for every Iranian. However, his only goal is not the social advancement, but in his solitude he writes beautiful love sonnets and stays loyal to all mystic values. The writer of this essay intends to explain the above facts and pay special attention to Sadi's moral and educational traits. Key Words: Sadi, Golestan, Boostan, Moral & Social Education. The Influence of Anoshirvan & Bozorgmehr Guidance on Golestan Dr. Vahid Sabziyanpour Assistant Professor, Razi University Many connoisseurs of Farsi literature like Alameh Ghazvini, Froozanfar, Khazayeli, and…, have looked for the basis of Sadi' thoughts in the works of Arab poets. In his extensive research, Hosseinali Mahfouz thinks that Sadi has been under the influence of the Arab poets specially Matnabi. In this argument some of Sadi's followers have tried to defend Sadi by mentioning his humane motivation in his works. In this essay the writer is going back even further than the Abasid period and is delving into the themes at the ancient Iranian culture. This essay cites more than 40 cases which have not been mentioned in any other researchers. The writer is trying to show that if we pay
Multiple Meanings in Sadi's Sonnets Dr. Nasrin Faghih Malek Marzban Assistant Professor Dept. of English & Farsi Literature, Alzahra University Sadi, in his creating the best of poetry, has used multiple meanings in his work. This is one of the main reasons why his poetry has a special place in the Iranians' hearts and has become part of their everyday language. To discover the secret of this influence and infinite fame is a quest for all the literary scholars and critics. The point is that he has not used any of the literary elaborations of the language of his time. According to pundits like Fonteny and Holiday, the most important way of investigating the different layers of his meaning is to pay close attention to the syntax of his phrases. In this analysis, we are going to find out how Sadi uses methods such as multiple syntax, multiple references, multi facet links, multi-dimensional links, puns and anagrams. Key Words: Sadi's sonnets, Layers of Meaning, Syntax Construction, Meaning Construction. Sadi's Different Kind of Guidance Dr. Seyed Javad Tabatabaei Sadi's footprint is mostly hidden in the themes of moral and politics in the Farsi literature, however, the basic difference in the way Sadi and his predecessors treat these subjects is the way to enact the above guidencance. This means that Sadi has distanced himself from the guidance writing of his time and by separating it from the old ways has based his writing on the logics of individual thoughts. This essay is based on the comparison between the two methods and emphasizing the special characteristic of his work. Key Words: Sadi, Guidance Book, Moral and Politics. Sadi & Cervantes: The Two Literary Masters Dr. Zia Movahed There is no doubt that the great masters of art have some common characteristics and some important differences. Sadi and Cervantes too have some similarities and some differences. Although compared to Sadi's poems, Cervantes's are kind of mediocre, but Cervantes's Don Quote, like Sadi's Golestan is of such high quality that it has been chosen as the most influential novel of the west and is the depiction of the highest level of thought. Based on the above facts, the writer is going to talk about the similarities and differences of these two masterpieces. Key words: Sadi, Cervantes, Golestan, Don Quote
Other's Thoughts, I Will Not Touch Koroush Kamali Sarvestani Sadi's lasting works are a depiction of his exceptional talent and knowledge of the works of other great Iranian, Arab, and Greek poets and also his vast knowledge of the Quran and the persian myths. Just as the poets who came after him are under his influence, Sadi has also been under the influence of his predecessors. However, in this essay, the writer intends to challenge the allegation of the researchers of Motanaby, the fourth century Arab poet, and some Sadi researchers who claim that Sadi was extensively under the influence Motanaby and prove that Sadi's style and thought are very much different from those of Motanaby. Key Words: Sadi, Motanaby, Poet`s Influence. Not to Behold a Beautiful Face Is a Great Mistake Dr. Asghar Dadbeh The Great Islamic Encyclopedia When Sadi talks about seeing beauty and beautiful faces, and the fact that not to see it is a great mistake, he is not saying it from the poetic point of view; rather his goal is psychological. In this essay the writer is going to first talk about seeing beauty, and hearing beauty and explain Sadi's point of view about this experience and then analyse this experience from the view point of philosophy, cosmology, and epistemology to prove why Sadi insisted so on seen a beautiful face. Key Words: Sadi, Beauty, Cosmology, Epistemology.
Sadi & Hafiz: Face to Face Ahmad Samiee Gilani Compare and contrast in the field of sonnet and the composing of sonnet by these two renowned poets is the basis of this research. Hafiz's poetry is ingrained in his studies, his knowledge, and of course his life and work. On the other hand, Sadi's sonnets symbolize his emotions and inner thoughts. Sadi's sonnets are easily written, but Hafiz's are the result of hard work. In this essay, the writer compares and contrasts the sonnets of these two great poets. Key Words: Sadi, Hafiz, Sonnet.
Completion of Another Picture Dr. Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani Meddling with the poems of famous poets according to common taste, is a feat which can be found through literary history. This meddling can ftentimes happen to great and renowned poets like Sadi. For example the changes that have taken place in his famous "Even the rocks were lamenting....". In this essay, the writer will analyses this kind of meddling and will try to prove that sometimes this could be acceptable, keeping in mind the characteristics and language structure of the society. Key Words: Sadi, Sadi's Language, "Rock Lamenting Golestan & The Contemporary, Modern, Short Story Mostafa Mastour Sadi's work is a mixture of poetry and prose in Farsi literature. His prose which shows itself in his stories of Golestan is an example of his exceptional ability. His prose is smooth and beautiful. His short stories depict individuality, a trait which is not found in contemporary and modern short stories. Modern short stories are the preducts of the writer's individuality.The method of development of Sadi's short stories and their analysis, the characteristic of narrator, and…, is the subject of this essay. Key Words: Golestan, Sadi, Contemporary Short Story Sadi's Picturesque Look at Allusion Mansour Paymard In creating his work, Sadi has paid great attention to allusion. Besides the allusions that he has made up himself, he has also used the common allusions of the time which shows his command of the language and his knowledge of the people he addresses. In this essay, the writer has tried to describe some of Sadi's artistic features. Key Words: Sadi, Allusion, Language Texture.
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